We are proud to have supported the work of the following organisations in 2019.
Université de Montréal | Support the Institute for research on exoplanets, devoted to exploring new worlds and seeking life on other planets. | 400K |
Université de Montréal | Support the Institute for research on exoplanets, devoted to exploring new worlds and seeking life on other planets. | 27.15K |
Centaur Theatre | Support the Theatre's mission of creating a healthy, democratic and progressive community by fostering an expansive spirit in artists and audiences alike by training a fresh lens on their experiences of being human. | 2K |
David Suzuki Foundation | In support of the David Suzuki Fellowship program, which empowers emerging scholars to tackle complex environmental problems. It reduces financial barriers, provides mentorship and fosters leadership and creativity so fellows can conduct research and engage and inform the public and policy-makers. | 75K |
David Suzuki Foundation | Support the Foundation's involvement in Montreal's C40 Cities work. C40 Cities C40 is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change by collaborating effectively, sharing knowledge and driving meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change. | 85K |
David Suzuki Foundation | Build the capacity of the Charged Up network, which seeks to build the climate and clean energy transition movement across Canada though community stories and networking. | 250K |
David Suzuki Foundation | To provide security and stage equipment for Greta Thunberg during Montreal's climate strike on September 27th, 2019. | 100K |
Milieu Éducatif La Source | To provide STEM workshops for girls aged 8 to 17 years old from disadvantaged urban areas in Montreal through a partnership with Les Scientifines. | 8K |
CEGEP Gérald-Godin | To provide scholarships for students attending the CEGEP Gérald-Godin. | 5K |
Let's Talk Science | To help youth learn to take risks, develop the persistence to find innovative solutions to real world problems, and gain competencies required to thrive in an ever changing world through STEM education. | 600K |
TREC Charitable Foundation | Bring families and community organizations in Regina together for a day of activities, games and conversations focused on energy and sustainability. | 15K |
McGill University Health Centre Foundation | To participate in the creation of an endowed Trottier Webster Research Innovation Fund, which aims to accelerate the process of developing promising technology, diagnostics, therapeutics and screening tools to provide better health care. | 400K |
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts | To support the Sharing the Museum program, which seeks to make the Museum more accessible to members of the public through free outreach activities. | 100K |
Sun Youth | Provide emergency services (ex: food and financial assistance), prevent crime, and promote physical, social and intellectual development of the youth through education, sports and recreation. | 10K |
West Island Cancer Wellness Centre | Offer emotional, physical and spiritual support for people living with cancer and their loved ones. | 58K |
Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Foundation | Renovate and increase the capacity of the Hospital's research laboratories. | 100K |
Centraide of Greater Montreal | Support the Collective Impact Project, an accelerator of change that aims to increase the impact of collective action and achieve measurable and significant outcomes in the reduction of poverty in Montreal neighbourhoods. | 250K |
UNICEF Canada | Support the UNdaunted Campaign, which seeks to improve the lives of girls in sub-Saharan Africa through education and enhanced STEM teaching and mentoring, vocational training and improved sanitation in schools. | 50K |
Canuck Place Children's Hospice | Provide free pediatric palliative care to children and their families in British-Columbia, including medical respite care, pain and symptom management, art, music, and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling. | 50K |
Old Brewery Mission | In support of the Mission's major fundraising campaign aimed at six key priorities: emergency services; transition services; adapted physical and mental health services; affordable and stable housing; community outreach and support; knowledge building. | 20K |
Head & Hands | Increase the number of medical clinics offered throughout the year and put in place an electronic medical records system. | 25K |
Earth Rangers | To expand Earth Rangers' Quebec-based programming. Earth Rangers seeks to educate children and their families about biodiversity, inspiring them to adopt sustainable behaviours, and empowering them to become directly involved in protecting animals and their habitats. | 60K |
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada | Hire an Astronomy Youth Outreach Coordinator, who will work towards developing and expanding astronomy programming for children and youth in Canada. | 75K |
West Island Palliative Care Residence | Consolidate the Residence's two separate locations into a single, state-of-the-art facility, and to share best practices in palliative care through the creation of a National Education and KnowledgeTransfer Program. (Caring and Sharing Capital Campaign) | 400K |
West Island Palliative Care Residence | Matching funds for the Caring and Sharing Capital Campaign. | 100K |
The Sustainability Institute of Canada | To help Sustainability CoLab scale up programs that will accelerate Canada’s transition towards a low carbon economy. | 50K |
Mont-Mégantic ASTROLab | Subsidize transportation costs for schools in order to make visits to the astronomy activity centre more accessible for students. | 20K |
Food Banks Québec | Support the Supermarket Recovery Program, which aims to recover unsold products from supermarkets to share with 1,200 affiliated food aid organizations across Quebec. | 125K |
McGill University | To create an expendable fund known as the Lorne Trottier Space Science Fund in the Faculty of Science at the University, in support of activities related to space science research and education. | 400K |
McGill University | To create an expendable fund known as the Lorne Trottier Space Science Fund in the Faculty of Science at the University, in support of activities related to space science research and education. | 100K |
McGill University | To create an expendable fund known as the Lorne Trottier Space Science Fund in the Faculty of Science at the University, in support of activities related to space science research and education. | 180K |
McGill University | In support of the Ecofiscal Commission, which identifies and promotes practical fiscal solutions for Canada that spark the innovation required for increased economic and environmental prosperity. | 150K |
McGill University | To support the general operations of the Faculty of Engineering. | 40K |
Vanguard Development Fund | To support the Fund's mission to integrate and include students with severe learning disabilities in the community. | 40K |
Équiterre | In support of the Vitrine sur le bâtiment du futur project, which aims to stimulate reflection on the environmental impacts of buildings as well as to promote the integration of strategies reducing these impacts. | 15K |
Équiterre | To support and accompany local groups in carrying out non-partisan debates on the theme of the environment during the Canadian federal election of 2019. | 60K |
Jewish Public Library | Inspire Jewish learning and promote literacy and creativity through access to historical and cultural heritage, Jewish literature and knowledge through the Library’s collections, Archives, cultural programming and children’s library. | 10K |
Commission scolaire Marguerite Bourgeoys | Support the Science and Technology Simulation Center, a scientific laboratory designed to provide students with meaningful and complex activities related to science and technology. | 88K |
Prof Dino | Provide STEM workshops for economically marginalized schools in Québec, to encourage students' personal growth and interest in STEM. | 12.8K |
Prof Dino | Provide STEM workshops for economically marginalized schools in Québec, to encourage students' personal growth and interest in STEM. | 15K |
West Island Community Shares | In support of various educational youth projects serving Montreal's West Island. | 25K |
Logis Rose-Virginie | Accompany young women in Montreal as they seek to gain their high school school diploma and gain more autonomy, in order to prevent homelessness or other situations of precariousness. | 5K |
Chez Doris | Support the Aboriginal Housing Program, which seeks to ensure housing stability and address other challenges for its beneficiaries. | 20K |
Doctors Without Borders | Deliver urgently needed healthcare to people who have been made vulnerable by conflict, crisis, disaster or neglect. | 50K |
Collaboration Santé Internationale | Equip 5 health centres in developing countries with medical equipment to improve the services offered and health outcomes. | 20K |
Montreal Science Centre | Subsidize school group visits to the Centre from underfunded schools in Montréal. | 130K |
Montreal Science Centre | Support the Centre in its mission to help visitors of all ages discover, understand and appropriate science and technology for use in building their future. | 10K |
Polytechnique Montréal | To support deeper regional integration in the electricity sector across the North American Northeast, in order to bring substantial benefits in reducing GHG emissions through the deployment of renewable energy. | 9.6K |
Polytechnique Montréal | To buy a table for ten students to attend the 2019 Gala and support the Polytechnique's fundraising efforts. | 7.5K |
Polytechnique Montréal | Support a national forum in which energy modelling strategies for 2030-2050 will be shared and discussed. | 5K |
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | Support CIFAR's program in Humans & the Microbiome, which examines how the microorganisms that live within us (the microbiome) influence human evolution, development, health, and anthropology. | 150K |
YMCAs of Québec Foundation | Support the Welcome Collective, which provides essential material goods, practical information and outreach to refugee claimants in Montreal. | 90K |
Salt Spring Institute for Sustainability Education and Action | Collaborate with the National Observer in order to create news pieces covering Quebec-related climate change and clean energy stories. | 25.5K |
Environment Funders Canada | Annual membership costs, as well as a contribution to offset the costs of EFC's annual conference. EFC is a national network of philanthropic foundations and other organizations that support efforts to transition toward a more sustainable world. | 15K |
Environment Funders Canada | In order to improve climate communications in Canada. | 50K |
Environment Funders Canada | In order to develop an updated version of 2015's "En Route To A Low-Carbon Future: A Landscape Assessment for Canadian Grantmakers" report. | 35K |
Learning for a Sustainable Future | Convene 50+ regional stakeholders from New Brunswick in order to develop strategies on how to effectively integrate climate change content in educational settings. | 20K |
Sentier Urbain | In support of the Nature Class project, which aims to develop children’s eco-responsible behaviours and actions. | 10K |
Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation | Improve food security in Grand’Anse, Haïti, particularly for women and children. | 10K |
Canadian Associates of the Ben Gurion University of the Negev | Provide scholarships for graduate students from developing countries attending the Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research (researching water and food security implications caused by climate change). | 50K |
Cyclo Nord-Sud | In support of Cyclo Nord-Sud's mission of collecting used bicycles for vulnerable communities, furthering social and economic development, with an environmental perspective, through local and international projects. | 20K |
Ecology Action Centre | To create an electric vehicle strategy for Nova Scotia in order to accelerate the adoption of EVs across Atlantic Canada and reduce GHG emissions in the region. | 60K |
Partners in Health Canada | Combine community-based education and outreach programming with increased nursing staff capacity in order to improve the health outcomes of mothers and their children in Maryland County, Liberia. | 50K |
SUCO | Support the sustainable economic development of the mango and cashew nut industries in southern Haiti, in order to alleviate poverty. | 5K |
L'Île du savoir | In support of the Festival Eurêka!, in which festivalgoers can experience free interactive activities, stimulating encounters and original demonstrations on a yearly scientific theme. | 10K |
Oxfam Québec | Establish aquaponics systems which, in addition to having very few environmental impacts, will also allow a community in Honduras to adapt to the environmental and economic vulnerability of this drought-affected region. | 50K |
Small Change Fund | Produce and provide stickers in support of Ontario’s carbon tax in order to counter the anti-carbon tax sticker campaign in gas stations in Ontario. | 41K |
Société pour l'action, l'éducation et la sensibilisation environnementale de Montréal | In support of Rebut Récup, a household items collection program which aims to collect reusable items from residents during Montreal’s moving periods in order to redistribute them to partners engaged in the solidarity economy. | 16.6K |
Indspire | To create a bursary in recognition of Hilary Pearson's contributions towards Canadian philanthropy. Indspire bursaries provide funds to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students to use as they wish – tuition, childcare, food, cultural support, shelter, travel, etc. | 10K |
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences | To produce a report that will focus on Canada's most urgent health care challenges and provide evidence-based recommended solutions to optimize health and healthcare in Canada. | 20K |
CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation | Contribute to Sainte-Justine's Tournoi Cachou fundraiser, which raises money to provide better medical care for mothers and children in Québec. | 30K |
The Sustainability Institute of Canada | In support of the GreenPAC Parliamentary Internship for the Environment program, which builds leadership skills for young environmentalists and builds environmental capacity and engagement of elected MPs. | 25K |
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute | To publish STEM research conducted by elementary & high school students in the Canadian Science Fair Journal, to encourage interest in STEM and pursuit of STEM-related careers. | 25K |
Architecture Sans Frontières Québec | Creation of a social enterprise model, in which construction waste is recovered, redistributed or resold for the benefit of humanitarian projects led by Architecture Sans Frontières Québec. | 10K |
Allo Prof! | To develop a more comprehensive AI-based internet platform, adapted and responsive to the skills and needs of students who are at risk of dropping out of school. | 200K |
Simon Fraser University | To support Clean Energy Canada, a think tank working to accelerate Canada’s clean energy transition by sharing the story of the global shift to renewable energy sources and clean technology. | 200K |
Simon Fraser University | To promote quality scientific education, particularly in the field of astronomy, for Simon Fraser University students and the greater public through the following programs: Science in Action, Starry Nights, and the Trottier Observatory. | 100K |
Simon Fraser University | To establish an endowment that will be used to support science outreach programs at SFU, particularly Science in Action and Starry Nights. | 2M |
CACTUS Montréal | To prevent blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections through various prevention, awareness and educational services and activities. CACTUS operates within a harm-reduction model and works particularly closely with drug users, sex workers, and trans people. | 5K |
Fondation Albatros | To buy and renovate a building in order to increase the capacity of Fondation Albatros as they provide palliative care services. | 40K |
Société d'histoire naturelle de la Vallée du Saint-Laurent | Modernize the Ecomuseum Zoo in order to facilitate the Zoo’s public environmental education. | 300K |
Alberta Ecotrust Foundation | To support the establishment of the Albertan LC3 (Low Carbon Cities Canada) centres. LC3 will help city regions reach their full emissions reduction potential while at the same time unlocking co-benefits for local communities. | 90K |
Alberta Ecotrust Foundation | To support the establishment of the Albertan LC3 (Low Carbon Cities Canada) centres. LC3 will help city regions reach their full emissions reduction potential while at the same time unlocking co-benefits for local communities. | 20K |
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique | Initiate high school students to the world of bioscience research through a free summer program, in order to encourage their interest in pursuing STEM studies and careers. | 10K |
The Canadian Aviation Heritage Centre | Inform the public of Canadian aviation history, particularly Quebec's contribution. | 25K |
Peace Network For Social Harmony | Membership fees to the Network, which seeks to promote diversity and inclusion, prevent violence, and promote peace and social harmony. | 5K |
Aquaforum | Engage young innovators to develop clean-tech solutions to help solve North America’s freshwater issues through the AquaHacking challenge. | 20K |
Regroupement des magasins-partage de l'Île de Montréal | To deliver free school supplies to children in need in Montreal. | 5K |
Le Garde-Manger Pour Tous | Provide free and healthy lunches to elementary school students in need in Montreal. | 5K |
Teach for Canada | To improve educational outcomes, particularly in STEM, of Indigenous children from northern reserves. | 20K |
Micro-Recyc Cooperation | Provide computer lab equipment to high schools in Betou, Republic of the Congo, to improve students’ employability and reduce the rate of rural exodus in the area. | 40K |
Peter Hall School Foundation | In support of the development of Peter Hall’s new campus. Peter Hall School provides specialized educational services to students with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders and psychopathological disorders. | 10K |
La Maison Bleue | To reduce social inequalities by helping pregnant women living in a situation of vulnerability. | 150K |
Academos | Demystify the world of renewable energy-related careers for young people by introducing them to related jobs and mentors. | 20K |
Second Harvest | To create a GHG inventory report of Second Harvest’s activities, with the goal of reducing their GHG emissions. | 20K |
The Centre for Community Organizations | Guide, support and empower community organisations so that they can better use technology to better accomplish their missions. | 25K |
The University of British Columbia | To identify pre-university students who have a talent for physics, and then to prepare the best of them for participation in the International Physics Olympiad, which fosters the highest level of knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving, right practices of presentation and analysis, and hands-on skills in theoretical and experimental physics. | 15K |
Fondation du Cégep de Saint-Laurent | In support of the “Pour un Montréal scientifique” initiative, in which CEGEP students lead a STEM enrichment program for elementary school students. | 10K |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology | In support of a multi-year scholarship program for women pursuing STEM studies. | 20K |
C4C Canada | Train journalists to produce editorial content currently under-represented in media, with a specific goal of countering Islamophobia in Quebec. | 30K |
Clean Economy Fund | To strengthen the communication capabilities of environmental NGOs in Canada. | 550K |
PrésÂges | In support of the Collectif des Fondations, which mobilizes fifteen Quebec-based foundations interested in the role of the State and philanthropy to fight against inequalities. | 4K |
Student Energy | To launch the Student Energy Leaders Fellowship, which will allow youth to gain practical technical knowledge and professional networks in the clean energy sector. | 20K |
Cuso International | Improve food security and health outcomes through sustainable urban agricultural development in Lima. | 5K |
Carleton University | To advance responsible investing and sustainable finance in Canada by expanding the footprint of the Ceres project in Canada. | 25K |
Université du Québec à Rimouski | Provide scholarships for UQAR students on the basis of financial need and academic excellence. | 25K |
Fondation Monique-Fitz-Back | Mobilize and engage high school students in the fight against climate change through the "Sors de ta bulle" initiative. | 20K |
Répit Providence, Maison Hochelaga-Maisonneuve | Offer temporary shelter for children experiencing a period of unsafe or negligent housing. | 5K |
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment | Develop a map of high-risk areas in Vancouver and identify the infrastructure improvements needed to enable safer cycling. | 25K |
Journalists for Human Rights | To launch the Independent Media Association of Canada, which will serve as a voice for the sector’s common interests. | 75K |
Government of Canada | In support of The Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence in STEM, which honours outstanding Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics teachers that help develop the culture of innovation Canada needs today, and in the future. | 50K |
Ecojustice Canada | Launch a strategic lawsuit against Ontario on the basis of section 7 of the Charter in response to the scaling back of Ontario’s GHG reduction targets and general reduction of the province's commitments to climate action, with the goal of forcing Ontario to implement stricter climate targets. | 75K |
Fondation Madeli‐Aide pour l'éducation | Provide scholarships to university students from the Magdalen Islands pursuing their studies on the mainland. | 10K |
Montreal Heart Institute | To support the Biobank project, whose main objective is to determine the nature of the relationship between genes and cardiovascular disease through the creation of a bank of data accessible to researchers from the Montreal Heart Institute and abroad. | 100K |
Médecins du Monde | To improve the health outcomes of women with precarious immigration status and their children in Montreal. | 100K |
Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development | To provide general operating support to Pembina's programs and activities. | 150K |
Federation CJA | To preserve and strengthen the quality of Jewish life and engagement in Montreal. | 50K |
Ruelle de l'avenir | Offer STEM activities for children at school, via weekend clubs and during a family summer camp. | 20K |
Mile End Legal Clinic | Promote access to justice and provide free quality legal assistance to individuals from the Greater Montreal area. | 15K |
Musée des ondes Emile Berliner | Support the Museum's mission to collect, preserve, curate, research, depict, and exhibit audio artifacts, in order to share their significance — scientific and technical, social and cultural, historic and economic — to Quebec, Canada and the world. | 25K |
Santropol Roulant | To reduce food insecurity and social isolation experienced by seniors and others living with a loss of autonomy in Montreal via the Meals on Wheels program. | 7.25K |
Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada | Alleviate the social isolation felt by children with brain tumours and their families. | 2.5K |
Alberta Council for Environmental Education | Support the transition to clean energy in Alberta by through providing targeted education on energy and the climate emergency for K-12 students and educators. | 20K |
Alberta Council for Environmental Education | To launch a range of training and certification programs in order to build a multi-sectorial, pan-Canadian network of ‘green transition’ professionals and institutions. | 50K |
Pearson Educational Foundation | Increase access to STEM technology for schools from the Lester B Pearson school board. | 15K |
Succession | Map air pollution in Ottawa and develop strategies to increase the level of public awareness about urban pollution challenges at the intersection of climate change action and public health. | 10K |
Canadian Paralympic Committee | Support Canadian high performance athletes with a disability and promote their success, to inspire all Canadians with a disability to get involved in sport. | 5K |
Fondation Marie-Vincent | Develop a protective community to ensure the optimal development of all young people, including victims of sexual violence and children presenting problematic sexual behaviours. | 5K |
Native Women's Shelter of Montreal | To provide support and frontline services, within an Aboriginal framework, to First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and children to promote their empowerment and independence. | 5K |
Un Prolongement à la Famille de Montréal | Conduct building renovations in order to facilitate social activities for adults with disabilities. | 5K |
West Island Cardiac Wellness Program | Sustain ongoing programming, education and rehabilitation for post-cardiac episode patients who would otherwise be unable to access these services due to cost, distance, etc. | 10K |
Evidence to Action Research Institute | Evaluate transparency in federal decision-making- i.e., evaluate to what extent the information behind government decision-making is openly available to the public- with the goal of advancing the use of science and evidence in policy decision-making. | 70K |
Tides Canada Initiatives Society | To maximize the availability and impact of data for public good through the Powered By Data project. | 25K |
Tides Canada Initiatives Society | Strengthen the work of environmental organisations in Canada by providing access to rigorous research on public attitudes about a broad range of environmental issues: climate change and pipelines, air quality and marine conservation, endangered species, parks, toxics, etc. | 40K |
St Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences | To support water quality monitoring and biodiversity conservation in the St Lawrence River through the Fish Identification Nearshore Survey project, which examines the food web in relation to environmental stressors impacting the River (climate change, invasive species, etc.). | 25K |
Groupe STIM | Lead coding activities for primary-school children in Québec to encourage interest in STEM. | 50K |
University of Toronto | To deliver bilingual training programs that provide teachers and informal educators with the knowledge, resources and confidence to lead effective astronomy education and promote interest in STEM, with a particular focus on geographically remote and underserved communities. | 25K |
The Transition Accelerator | To support deeper regional integration in the electricity sector across the North American Northeast, in order to bring substantial benefits in reducing GHG emissions through the deployment of renewable energy. | 220K |