
Our Climate program, also called "Below 1,5 Program" seeks to support innovative responses, initiatives and projects that mitigate climate change and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at scale, while addressing social, economic and equality issues. We use our program's funds as a form of “catalytical capital” and seek out key partners and work on complex gaps to accelerate innovative solutions to help Canadian provinces, cities, institutions, civil society, companies and others to meet ambitious climate targets that curb emissions in the short, medium and long term. The program has 6 focus areas:

  • Cities

  • Transportation

  • Energy

  • Industry

  • Strategic Opportunities

  • Sustainable Finance



Our Science Program seeks to advance fundamental research in the physical sciences and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).
Reflecting the beliefs and values of our founders, the Foundation believes in the inherent importance of scientific and technological research and discovery in transforming  our lives and benefiting  society. Our support of science aims to produce a significant and measurable impact.
We strive to promote the importance of science in modern society and encourage critical thinking and scientific inquiry.  We advance emerging scientific fields by funding research and education that:

  • Refutes scientific myths;

  • Promotes curiosity, inquisitiveness and asking new questions;

  • Promotes the importance of science in public and institutional education;

  • Enhances society’s understanding of the joy and importance of sciences;

  • Unlocks the mysteries of the nature of the universe.



Our education program promotes the belief that quality education is vital to building a successful and vibrant society. As such, our Foundation supports education on multiple fronts - by supporting everything from large university institutions to small community organizations that focus on issues such as science and the environment.

The education granting program also supports the work of strategic partner universities such as McGill University, Université de Montréal, Université du Quebec a Montréal (UQAM), Concordia University, and Simon Fraser University. We are not currently taking direct funding applications under this grant program from universities or other major educational institutions that are not included on the list above. You can check back here for updates.



Climate change is unfolding at a rapid rate and requires immediate attention. The impacts of climate change are devastating on ecosystems, societies and economies. Our Foundation is particularly interested in innovative responses, insights and measures that mitigate climate change and reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Our Environment Program makes grants to organizations that address climate change, mitigate GHG emissions, expand clean energy, and strive to solve the climate crisis and ensure a prosperous future.



Our health program strives to improve the experience and outcomes people have with their health.  

  • Our health program is specifically focused on Quebec; we only fund health organizations either based in Quebec or whose work is directed towards Quebec communities.  

  • The key concepts underpinning our health programming approach are advancing innovation and equity; we do not fund disease-specific work.  

Our health program has 3 main streams: Institutions, Health & Climate, and Community Health.  


Community & International

The Foundation supports various local Montreal institutions. We prioritize local projects that have are cross-cutting and related to science, education, environment or health.  

The Foundation also supports select international charities. Initiatives that transverse the areas of science, environmental, health and education are prioritized.